By: Vijay Kumar Verma, Editor-ICN Group

SHIMLA: Spiritually speaking we are all made of five elements viz earth, fire, water, air and sky. These are the five ingredients of which we are born and to these elements alone we shall return. Now there are characteristics;  physical and behavioural.

The physical characteristics are drawn from the genetic admixture of parental components but the behavioural characters are formed of past karmas. As the parental characters include those of past generations similarly behavioural characters are drawn from not one but many a past lives.

Those who believe in the theory of regression and progression are able to relate the individual character brought forward or preparing to carry over in the next life. If we believe this we must also believe that we ourselves are the creators and authors of our karmas. Taking it a little forward I would say that one is born to reap the harvest of one’s past karmas, good or bad, as well to sow the harvest for one’s future life.

Here we must also remember that none of these karmas are to be reaped alone. Our relations of this life also bear the burnt as well as bask in the glory of past karmas of their offsprings.  This is not stand alone reaping and harvesting. As we belive that our relation with such and such person was predestined we must believe that whatever we get from someone  or pay to someone is also predestined. We become and remain only the mediums then what to boast of and why to cry for.

If we take the example of what is supreme, the individual characters one is born with or the bringing up environment the child is reared in.What is more important one wonders. Can upbringing change the character of a person? Can Parwarish bring out a saint of a rowdy parentage? Astrologically speaking the children born under the specific placements of planets are likely to have a specific future. But are the identical twins born together share a particular  character or Bhagaya?

Truly speaking the answer is negative. Identical twins may be poles apart as far their characters and future is concerned. One wonders people going through daily horoscopes in various publications to know their day. In such a manner the entire population of the world is born under 12 signs of Zodiac can be divided in 12 groups and must share 12 types of forecast.

How just alikes Bejan Daruwala predict so methodically each day or month of the year for these 12 groups of world population when none can predict the future of identical twins born under the same stars, place and time coordinates? Lacs of books are printed and reprinted world over to fleece the poor fatalists.  Lacs of astrologers make their living out of these believers.

In India almost all the Hindu marriages are solemnised with Pandits doing the match making by aligning the janampatris.  They pronounce that 32 of the 36 gunas match. And post wedding the couple is not able to stay together for a day to the amusement of all relations and the family elders who  had spent their fortunes to make the nuptials.

Do we ever wonder that the four remaining gunas that didn’t match are playing the spoil sport?

The primitive school of thoughts believes that matches are made in heaven and solemnised on earth. Then are the break ups too decided in heaven and practised on earth?


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